Check this comparison between programming in C++ and Python.

C++ and Python are some of the most popular computer programming languages. Both are high-level programming languages but have many significant differences. While C++ is an object-oriented programming language that gives you control over the hardware, Python is a general-purpose programming language for developing different projects.

Here’s what you need to know about the differences between Programming C++ and Python.

What is C++?

C++ is a general-purpose programming language developed as an upgraded version of the C language, which includes an object-oriented paradigm. It's a superset of the C language and is related to the Java programming language.

C++ is one of the world's most famous programming languages that you can find in various operating systems, embedded systems, and Graphical User Interfaces. It's portable, easy to use, and developers can use it for applications to integrate into multiple platforms.

One of the most significant features of C++ is its ability to support system-level and low-level programming, making it ideal for developing device drivers, operating systems, and other system software. In addition, C++ offers rich features for high-level programming, so it's best suited for creating video games, desktop applications, and other more complicated applications.

Pros and Cons of C++

Indeed, C++ is one of the world's most efficient programming languages. But as with anything, it also comes with disadvantages. Let's take a look at some of its pros and cons.


  • Portability - C++ is platform independence, allowing developers to run similar programs on different interfaces or operating systems.
  • Low-level manipulation - since C++ is an upgraded version of C, a procedural language related to machine language, C++ allows low-level data manipulation at a certain level.
  • Object-oriented - C++ is object-oriented programming encompassing concepts like inheritance, classes, data abstraction, and encapsulation. All these allow code reusability, making it even more reliable.


  • Security issues - although object-oriented programming offers security to the data, security issues can still exist in C++ due to global variables, friend functions, and pointers.
  • Use of pointers - pointers in C++ are somewhat complicated to grasp, taking up a lot of memory. Misuse can lead to a system crash or cause the system to behave anomalously.
  • No garbage collector - C++ will only allow users to control and manage the computer memory using DMA. It doesn't have a garbage collector feature to filter out unnecessary data.

Jobs Using C++

Being knowledgeable in C++ can open you up to numerous job opportunities. As one of the world's most widely used computer programming languages, it is always in demand in various industries. Thus, having an in-depth understanding of the programming language will open up many career opportunities, such as developing operating systems, embedded systems, games, and more.

What is Python?

Python is a computer programming language to build and develop software and websites, conduct data analysis, and automate tasks. Like C++, it's also a general-purpose language that developers can use for creating varying computer programs not only limited to specific platforms.

Python's versatility and beginner-friendliness make it one of the world's most used computer programming languages. Survey shows that Python is the fourth most popular programming language developers use. Respondents say they use Python in almost 50% of their development work.

Python's use is developing software and websites, automating tasks, data visualisation and analysis. Since it's relatively easy to learn, non-programmers rely on the programming language, including accountants that use it for everyday computing tasks.

Pros and Cons of Python

Python is an excellent, statically typed programming language offering procedural and object-oriented programming. Some of the benefits of Python include beginner-friendly, flexibility and having a large community of developers. However, it also comes with its share of disadvantages. Let's look at some of the pros and cons of Python.


  • Beginner-friendly - python is a fantastic platform for first timers in coding. It's one of the easiest computer programming languages to learn, understand, and code since it doesn't have many technicalities. Even developers new to coding will find it easy to learn.
  • Flexible and Extensible - python is flexible, and you can extend it to other languages. For instance, developers can write code in C++ and develop new features in a dynamically typed language.
  • Large Community - python boasts a large community of developers, coders, professionals, and students using the same platform, helping one another to bring the best out of it. Such a feature makes Python one of the best platforms for developers, as they get guidance from knowledgeable and experienced developers.


  • Design Issues - developers sometimes deal with complex designs, resulting in various issues. Experienced and highly efficient developers are preferred to beginners.
  • Work Environment - before using Python, you must set up a work environment. Several issues can arise during setup and affect the user experience.
  • Slower than Compiled Languages - another disadvantage of Python is it's slower compared to other non-compiled languages since it needs computational power. Thus, this is one of those things to watch out for before using Python.

Jobs Using Python

Being proficient in Python can open the door to various career opportunities in technology. It's one of the world's most popular languages and is a great skill to learn for those pursuing a career in software development. Python uses plain English, making it easier to understand. Plus, it's supported by a large community, allowing you to ask for assistance.

If you have a background in Python, you can work as a Python developer, where you will be responsible for designing, deploying, coding, and debugging development projects, usually on the backend or server side.

Another career option is working as a full-stack developer. You can use your knowledge of Python to develop, design, and maintain platforms with different servers and databases. Full Stack Developers leverage frameworks like Django or Flask along with Python, making it easier to develop fully functional applications.

Your knowledge of Python will also allow you to work as a data scientist or analyst. These roles require a combination of mathematics, statistics, and computer science skills. As a data scientist or analyst, you will analyze and process data and then interpret the results to develop data-driven plans for different organisations.
